Kansas Department of Health and Environment: Kansas Information for Communities


A collection of detailed information to assist the User in the understanding of the features, terms, and analyses generated by the KIC System, along with links to sources for statistical information and resources to support community health assessment and health improvement planning.

Notes and Definitions

Detailed information regarding different aspects of the query system. For direct access to specific topics use the following topic links.

Statistical Measures & Definitions for Vital Statistics


Health Statistics & Resources for Kansas

A compilation of sources for statistical information and resources to support community health assessment.

BEPHI Public Health Informatics Group Reports

Reports from the Public Health Informatics Group of the Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics.

KDHE Bureaus & Programs Reports

Reports from other KDHE bureaus and programs.

Other Kansas Public Health Data Sources

Compilation of other data sources for Kansas Public Health Information.

Kansas Regional Groupings & Maps

Collection of maps indicating different regional county groupings used for comparison of like areas.

Viewing Information for Different File Types

Collection of links to assist user in the viewing of provided data and information.

This page updated March 25, 2025.