Hospital Discharge Statistics - Procedure ICD-10 Coding Sructure

KIC Hospital Discharge Statistics includes two components: discharges by procedures and discharges by diagnosis. Tabulations by year, age-group, race, sex, ethnicity, and county/area of residence are possible. The most current year for Hospital Discharge statistics is 2020.

NOTICE: To accommodate implementation of the ICD-10 Code structure in late 2015, the Hospital Discharge Statistics modules have been modified. There are now two modules for the Diagnosis and two modules for the Procedures, the two module setup consists of a module for data years before and including 2015 and a module for data years 2016 and after. Data years "2015 and before" are defined by the ICD-9 Coding structure, while the "2016 and after" are defined by the ICD-10 Coding structure. With this coding structure change data years of "2015 and before" should not be compared to data years of "2016 and newer" or visa-versa.

Diagnosis information is available at Discharge Statistics - Diagnosis. See the Hospital Discharge Notes and Limitations for more information on this dataset and its preparation.

Population estimates used are produced by the U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates program. For more detail, regarding population estimates, see KIC’s Notes & Limitations, section “Population Estimates”.

Choose the variables you want in your table. Certain variables can be limited in your search.
  Age Group
  Hispanic Origin
  Pay Source
  County / Areas
  Age Group
  Hispanic Origin
  Pay Source
  County / Areas
Hispanic   Non-Hispanic   Unknown   All
Age Group:
Pay Source:
Help & Notes Step 1. If you want to see your results by a geographic area, you must select county as a row or column variable. If you want to see statistics broken out by year or other variable, you will need to make that variable a row or column variable. You cannot make a variable both a row and column variable. The variables Age Group and Procedure, if selected as a row or column, have drill down breakouts that allow each category to be more specific. These drill down breakouts will only function completely with the selection of 'By County', 'By Health Preparedness Region' or 'By Geographic Region' in "Step 4". Help & Notes Step 2. These selections allow you to filter the resulting table to a specific subcategory. If one of Step 2 variables is also a row or column variable, then applying the filter will have no affect on the output table.
STEP 4 - 4.A & 4.B must be completed
Which year(s) would you like to include in your query? 4.A - Category Selection: Select a button for State, County, Region or Peer Group Statistics.
All Years| Clear All

Hospital Discharge - Procedure Data Years 2015 and older

NOTE: With "2016 and newer" and "2015 and older" modules each having a different coding structure, the data is not comparable.
State    Counties    Kansas Health Preparedness Regions
Geographical Regions (District Offices)    Peer Groups

4.B - Scroll to the above selected category in the list below and select the area or group of areas of interest. NOTE: Area lists will be "greyed out" and non-selectable except for the areas related to the category selected above. To select multiple areas in a give category, hold "Ctrl" Key down while making choices. See "Help & Notes" for further instructions.

NOTE: Counties in a region/group can be determined by viewing the resource maps page.
Help & Notes Step 3. If year is a row or column variable, then the table will display results by single year. If year is not a row or column variable, than the resulting table will aggregate the number of years you check. Data for new years will be added as it becomes available. Help & Notes Step 4. County/area Selections can only be made within the selected category, no cross category selections are allowed. If after viewing prior results you return to the query criteria page by using your browser's back button, the county/area list will be greyed out. To reactivate your selection click once on your original category. Your county/area selection(s) will be restored and ready for use. If another category is wanted, select it and scroll to the active section of the list.
Select which Procedure you wish to view from the following list. If you have selected Procedure as your row variable, you may select multiple Procedures by holding down the control key and selecting the ones you want with the mouse pointer. This option is for displaying the number of patients and their length of stay in days. These can be displayed in individual tables or in sub-columns. To view rates for the number of patients, length of stay must not be selected as one of the sub-columns.
First subcolumn variable:
Number of Patients Length of Stay

Second subcolumn variable:
Number of Patients Length of Stay
Help & Notes Step 5. This displays rates by procedures or groups of procedures selected. To select multiple procedures, pick a procedures, then use the control key and pick the additional procedures. Help & Notes Step 6. This displays the number of patients and their length of stay in days by individual tables or in sub-columns. If viewing rates for the number of patients, length of stay must not be selected as one of the sub-columns.
Applies if you have chosen to view length of stay. You can pick how you want to view the data:
Total Length of Stay
Average Length of Stay
Frequencies only
Frequencies and Rates (for number of patients)
Help & Notes Step 7. Average length of stay is a statistic that can be compared between geographic areas or among different procedure categories. If you wish to view rates for the number of patients discharged, this must be set to Total. Help & Notes Step 8. Select how you wish to view your results. Results can be viewed by frequencies only or frequencies and rates.
The following three menus pertain only to rates generated by the query system when "frequencies and rates" is selected in step 8. Your search is ready.  Click the submit button.
Help & Notes Step 9. If you choose to view rates, you may view either crude or age-adjusted rates. Age-adjusting is recommended when comparing two geographic areas or different years. Year 2000 is the recommended population standard for age-adjusting. Confidence intervals are available for rates.

This page updated March 07, 2025.